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Bird Feeders, Bi-Planes and Blue Tits

Bird Feeders, Bi-Planes and Blue Tits

Bird Feeders, Bi-Planes and Blue Tits

Well, summer is upon us and we're enjoying the longer days here at Well Fed Birds HQ.
The garden bird table and the feeders we have spread around the garden are being visited by a lot of new very young feathered friends, often with their Mum or Dad who sometimes help them to feed by passing the bird food from adult to youngster.
It's great to watch the young ones nervously approaching the feeders whilst they are in-flight; they are like small bi-planes being caught by a gust of wind just before touch down! The more they practice they have the better they get.
As a result of all this extra exciting activity the feeders are replenished far more frequently and we find that the suet cakes are really popular with the blue tits and nuthatches especially. Our No Mess Premium bird food is a favourite mixture, probably on account of it containing over 15 different ingredients, and the good thing is that it does not contain wheat, which is often used as a filler in bird feed mixtures. It's 100% edible and a great source of energy for growing birds.
As always, if you've got any questions about the best feed to use in your garden then please don't hesitate to contact us.
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